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Daily Archives: November 27, 2021

IKEA Cabinet-Greenhouse Hacks

Space is at a premium in most apartments. You want to grow your food, but you don’t have the space for a full-sized greenhouse or even a small one. Well, with that limited space you have in your apartment, Ikea cabinet greenhouse hacks are the best way to go.

For plant enthusiasts, finding the perfect balance of creativity and plant displays is an art. Everyone loves it when plant parents show off their favorite tropical plants while creating a perfect environment for the plant. And that’s where the Ikea greenhouse cabinet hack comes in. 

Countless individuals have turned their IKEA cabinets into growing systems by adding home components like grow lights, fans, and special herbs. Here are some great ideas for transforming your IKEA cabinet into a greenhouse:

Features of the Ikea Greenhouse Cabinet

Robin Schouten, the founder of a popular Instagram page @Ikeagreenhouse cabinet, states that the Ikea cabinet greenhouse features IKEA cabinets that were converted into greenhouses for tropical plants. 

Image credit: https://www.thespruce.com/

Schouten, the founder of an Instagram account called Ikea greenhouse cabinet, was looking for a glass greenhouse for her humidity-loving plants and found people using these Ikea DIY ideas. In this trending DIY hack, plant parents transformed glass Ikea cabinets into indoor greenhouses, making it ideal for plant enthusiasts to deal with their limited space. 

It’s fairly easy, and all you need is a glass cabinet, grow lights, a small fan, and a humidifier. These Ikea greenhouse cabinets are versatile and can be cheap and simple or expensive and complex as you want. It all depends on your budget, DIY skills, commitments, and the type of plants you want to keep inside them.

Acquire Ikea Glass Cabinet Choices for Greenhouse Hacking

Ikea offers a lot of glass cabinets that you can transform into a greenhouse. These include the detolf, fabrikor, milsbo and rudsta. These Ikea glass cabinet hacks are available in different colors and sizes. Make sure you find one that suits you.

Install Grow Light

You can install fluorescent grow lights and a simple timer to keep your houseplants alive. Fluorescent tubes are cheaper, relatively cool, and very easy to set up. You can also use LED grow lights that are more expensive but last longer. They are very efficient compared to normal light bulbs. A fan is also necessary because it helps circulate air inside the cabinet.

Perfect the Air Environment

You can grow any plant you want in your greenhouse, but these plants are helpful for tropical plants which require high humidity. In this case, add a small humidifier and tray filled with water. Include mini fans to help with air circulation and prevent mold from growing. You can also monitor the climate by keeping a temperature and humidity gauge on one of the shelves.

Customize Your Liking

You can customize your greenhouse. There are shelves, hooks, and baskets that you can glue to fit your needs. You can also use Ikea cabinet doors or covers to make sure all of your plants do not go directly on the wall or floor of the cabinet. This is an awesome way to reuse old cabinets. 

This greenhouse will help produce healthy plants, vegetables, and food for your family. Some people add pegboards, fern wood panels, and a wire rack to the back of the cabinet to clip stems and vines as plants grow. Others like adding heat mats, weather stripping, and replacing glass shelves with wire or acrylic ones.

All of these are not necessary. Beyond the main function of houseplants, indoor greenhouses are meant to please the eyes, so arrange the plants as you wish and keep monitoring their conditions to ensure their success.

Ikea Greenhouse Cabinets

Robin Schouten’s Fabrikor and Milsbo Greenhouse Setup

Robin Schouten’s greenhouse setup is pretty simple. A 3-tier Fabrikor shelving unit was attached to the wall, then a Milsbo cabinet just below it, followed by smaller plants on the top shelf. Two mini fans were used to increase airflow, and she uses grow lights in an area that doesn’t get much light. This would be perfect for growing strawberries or other vines that need support to hold them up.

Robin Schouten's Fabrikor and Milsbo Greenhouse Setup
Image credit: https://i.pinimg.com/

A Vancouver Collector’s Milsbo Cabinet DIY Greenhouse

The plants inside this setup include basil plants and fig trees, both taking advantage of growing on top of cupboards that have fluorescent lighting that can be turned on at any given time. The Milsbo is retrofitted with wire shelves to allow better airflow than the glass shelves it comes with. 

A Vancouver Collector's Milsbo Cabinet DIY Greenhouse
Image credit: https://i.insider.com/

There are also three grow light panels, weather stripping, a small fan for air circulation, and a water tray to boost humidity. There is a hygrometer to monitor the temperature and humidity.

A Gorgeous DIY Terrarium from an IKEA Fabrikor Cabinet

There are a few steps involved in the process of building one of these units. One of the most important is to find an existing cabinet with a backlight that you can remove or buy a Fabrikor piece that allows for this feature.

This unit gets air from a small computer fan that blows into it from the back, and there is a removable water tray for easy watering of the plants. It’s sealed and waterproofed by installing fiberglass at the bottom so that it can open and close.

3 Cabinets for a Huge Aroid Collection

The owner of this house has a nice IKEA Fabrikor unit that he mounted to the wall to store his impressive colocasia and yucca collection. As you can see, it also houses some other plants, like an interesting-looking cactus.

3 Cabinets for a Huge Aroid Collection
Image credit: https://live.staticflickr.com/

The interior is filled with soil, and drainage holes were added to make it easy to keep plants alive. It’s a cheap but interesting approach to home plant storage.

FAQs about Ikea Cabinet Greenhouse Hacks

What can you grow in your greenhouse cabinets?

You can grow anything in your greenhouse Ikea, ranging from succulents, vegetables, and cacti.

Can you use perlite instead of a humidity tray?

Yes, this is an alternative way to increase air moisture for the benefit of your housing plants.

Final Thought about Ikea Cabinet Greenhouse Hacks

Well, that’s all about Ikeas cabinet greenhouse hacks. So, pick one according to your budget, DIY skills, and plant requirements to enjoy your indoor greenhouse.



The post IKEA Cabinet-Greenhouse Hacks appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.

How to Grow Oriental Poppy Plants

Growing Oriental poppies is a fun and rewarding experience. However, it can be hard to know what you need to do before planting them in your garden. Oriental poppies are beautiful flowering plants that you can grow indoors or outdoors. 

They are usually planted in the spring and bloom during the summer season. The flowers of these plants come in different colors including red, pink, white, purple, maroon, orange, salmon, and peach. These beautiful flowers attract many butterflies and bees, making them a perfect addition to your flower garden.

What are Oriental Poppies?

Oriental poppies, also known as Papaver Orientale are herbaceous perennial flowers with large, brightly colored blooms featuring petals reminiscent of crepe paper. Oriental poppies are grown mainly for their flowers, although they bear attractive foliage in spring. 

Image credit: https://www.saga.co.uk/

The big, thistle-like leaves of Oriental poppy are downy, deeply lobed, and rich green, offering aesthetic value in their own right. What makes the Oriental poppy a good cut flower is its tightly packed leaves and stiff and hairy flower stems.

Oriental Poppy Plant Care

Indigenous to elevated lands in Western Asia, the Oriental poppy has naturalized in parts of North America that have cold winters. This cold-hardy plant hates high heat and humidity; instead, this perennial needs cold temperatures in the winter and fares poorly for most parts south of planting zone 8.

Oriental Poppy Plant Care
Image credit: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/

Make sure you mulch around oriental poppies for the first couple of years for winter protection because most varieties are clump-forming. Also, propagate them by seed instead of transplanting because the clumps are slow to become established. Oriental poppy has multiple uses, which makes it a valuable garden plant.

Sunlight Requirements

Make sure you plant your oriental poppies in full sun. This will not only promote better flowering but will also encourage a bushy habit. If you want a tall, slender plant, then choose a location with some afternoon shade. Full sun will also reduce the chances of powdery mildew infestation, which is a potential problem with oriental poppies. At least six hours of sun a day will help your plant to thrive.

Soil Requirement

The soil should be fertile and well-drained. The plants need a lot of water in summer but less in winter. They are extremely intolerant to wet soils, so choose your planting site carefully by avoiding low areas that remain damp for long periods. 

Growing your oriental poppy in a well-drained soil enriched with compost will give the best blooms. Oriental poppy also prefers neutral to slightly acidic pH. Root rot can be a problem if the pH is too high so make sure you test the soil pH and ensure it doesn’t exceed the limit. 

Water Requirements

Poppies like moist but well-draining soil throughout the entire growing season and regular watering. Make sure you water when the soil is dry and avoid overwatering, especially during dormancy. Poppies grown in containers will need more frequent watering than those in the ground.

Water regularly and thoroughly so that water runs out of the planting holes at the bottom of pots. Poppies are drought tolerant; however, they will flower less and instead put their energy into developing more leaves and stems, making them greener but not as attractive.

Temperature and Humidity

Poppies don’t like it too hot. As a general rule, if you are comfortable outside, the poppy will be happy. It can tolerate temperatures down to 20°F, but you must protect the flower buds from an early frost that could damage or kill them. This plant doesn’t prefer high heat and humidity. They grow in hardiness zones 3 through 9.


Poppies require well-draining soil and regular fertilization. They respond very well to all forms of fertilizer, including slow-release fertilizer in the spring. Be careful not to over-fertilize. Too much fertilizer will cause the plant’s energy to be put into producing flowers rather than leaves and stems.

Fertilize in spring just before new growth appears. If you already have fertile soil, use ammonium sulfate instead because it also contains some nitrogen. If it is too late for this application, you can side dress the soil with compost or manure tea. Make your own compost for your plants and you’ll like the outcome.

Propagating Oriental Poppies from Seed

If you have an adult poppy plant, the division is easiest to propagate new poppy plants. There are a couple of ways to do this. The first way is called layering. This takes several weeks and should only be done if you want just one or two new plants.

To layer oriental poppy, bend one of the stalks down to the ground, and bury it in the soil where it touches the ground. Hold the stalk down with a rock or other object. Water frequently while your Oriental poppy is lying on the ground to dry out too much. It’s better to do this late after the blooms have passed.

How to Plant Oriental Poppies

Once you’ve purchased these plants from a garden center, plant them from early spring into early summer. Direct sowing is the standard method for growing oriental poppies. Scatter poppy seeds directly on the surface of the soil in spring or early fall, where they’ll receive the sunlight they need to germinate. 

How to Plant Oriental Poppies
Image credit: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/

Poppies grown in containers are easy to plant. You gently settle them in the ground at the same depth they were in the pot. Be careful not to disturb the roots when transplanting. For bare root plants, plant them with the top of the tap root about an inch below the soil surface. Make sure you follow all directions that come with your bare root plant.

Pests and Diseases

Poppies rarely suffer from pests and diseases. But the oriental types can be set back by powdery mildew. This fungal disease can affect the whole plant by covering leaves and stems in white mildew in spring and summer. 

Make sure you deadhead spent flowers and cut the plant to the ground level as you also clear fallen leaves to prevent the fungal disease from overwintering in the soil.

Oriental Poppy Varieties

Papaver Orientale Livermere

The most fragrant of all poppy varieties. It has large flowers, is very hardy, and is tolerant of poor soils. It also has a scarlet red flower that is 2 to 3 feet tall.

Papaver orientale Patty’s Plum

Patty’s plum is a variety new to the UK; it has purple petals with white markings. It is very hardy and loves poor soil. It’s heavily textured and plum-colored 2 to 3 feet high.

Papaver orientale Fireball

Fireball is a spectacular poppy with flowers up to 18 inches in diameter with bright scarlet petals, and a golden yellow center. The leaves are dark green and rough-textured, maturing to red-brown tones in autumn. It’s semi-double or double blooms.

Papaver orientale Bolero

Bolero is an amazing poppy containing purple-red flowers with purple eyes. The center of its flower is golden yellow. It’s 2 feet high, and it blooms in mid-summer.

Papaver orientale Princess Victoria Louise

This is another spectacular poppy variety that is 6 to 8 inches large, salmon-pink blooms, and 2 to 3 feet tall.

Companion Plants for Poppy Plants

Plant your oriental poppies in the middle or at the back of the flower bed to let other flowers fill in once they die. Hide the withering poppy foliage with summer bloomers such as Siberian iris, baby’s breath, Russian sage, daylilies, and rudbeckia. Protect the new poppy foliage in fall with bark mulch and pine boughs.

FAQs about How to Grow Oriental Poppy Plants

Do oriental poppies grow back every year?

Oriental poppies are true perennials, meaning the mother plant returns each year and slowly expands overtime to produce a larger plant and more flowers.

Should you deadhead oriental poppies?

Yes, you should cut back and deadhead oriental poppies after flowering. This will stimulate the growth of fresh new foliage and even new blooms.

Final Thought on How to Grow Oriental Poppy Plants

As you can see, growing and caring for oriental poppies is a fairly simple task. If you want to capture the magic of these brilliant blooms, consider planting them near your home or garden as an addition to the landscape.


The post How to Grow Oriental Poppy Plants appeared first on Kitchen Infinity.

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